Annual General Meeting 2020
Annual General Meeting 2020
In accordance with the Austrian COVID-19 Regulation Amending Corporate Law (COVID-19-GesV), the 31st Annual General Meeting of S IMMO AG on 12 October 2020 was held as a virtual Annual General Meeting. Shareholders and their proxies (with the exception of special proxies), could not attend the Annual General Meeting in person in order to protect their health.
- Convocation (.pdf)
- Voting results of S IMMO's AGM 2020 - German (.pdf)
- Dividend announcement (.pdf)
- Publication of the resolution of the general meeting of S IMMO AG on the authorisation to repurchase shares pursuant to section 65 para 1 fig 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and to sell treasury shares (.pdf)
- Annual report for the financial year 2019 (.pdf)
- Annual financial statements for the financial year 2019 including the management report - German only(.pdf)
- Consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2019 including the Group management report (.pdf)
- Corporate governance report for the financial year 2019 (.pdf)
- Management Board's proposal for the distribution of profits (.pdf)
- Separate non-financial report (.pdf)
- Report of the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 96 AktG (.pdf)
- Agenda (.pdf)
- Proposed resolutions for agenda items 2 to 11 (.pdf)
- Remuneration policy for the Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Martin Simhandl nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Martin Simhandl nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Corporate Governance Declaration of Martin Simhandl (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Franz Kerber nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Franz Kerber nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Corporate Governance Declaration of Franz Kerber (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Andrea Besenhofer nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Andrea Besenhofer nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- New document: Withdrawal as a candidate by Beate Ponweiser - only available in German (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Beate Ponweiser nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Beate Ponweiser nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Report by the Management Board on justification for excluding shareholder’s subscription rights under item 8 of the agenda (“Management Board authorisation regarding capital increase under Section 169 of the AktG”) (.pdf)
- Report by the Management Board on justification for excluding shareholder’s subscription rights under item 9 of the agenda (“Management Board authorisation to issue convertible bonds”) (.pdf)
- Report by the Management Board on justification for excluding shareholder’s general right to sell, right of subscription and general purchase option under item 10 of the agenda (“Management Board authorisation to buy back and sell shares”) (.pdf)
- Form granting power of attorney for one of the special proxies in accordance with Section 3, para 4, COVID-19-GesV (.pdf)
- Form for revoking a power of attorney (.pdf)
- Question form (.pdf)