Sparkassen Immobilien AG: Elisabeth Wagerer new communication specialist

Corporate news

Sparkassen Immobilien AG’s Investor Relations and Corporate Communications team recently gained a new member: Elisabeth Wagerer. The 30-year-old is responsible for operational marketing both in Austria and in CEE/SEE, and is also deputy to the corporate spokesperson Bosko Skoko.

The Vienna native gained her many years of communication experience in various positions as project manager at Competence Call Center AG and of marketing and event manager at a restaurant in downtown Vienna.

“The appointment of Elisabeth Wagerer brings the restructuring of our department to a close and ideally positions our team to master the many challenges that a listed company faces every day,” said Bosko Skoko, Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations.

Elisabeth Wagerer graduated from the University of Vienna with a degree in journalism and communication science and is a certified event manager.