Management Team newly appointed

Ad hoc notification

S IMMO AG's Supervisory Board has designated the successor of Ernst Vejdovszky, founding father of the company, whose board term will expire on 30 June 2021, and has newly appointed the Management Team.


Dr. Bruno Ettenauer will take over as CEO from 15 March 2021 with a term of three years. DI Herwig Teufelsdorfer will be appointed as S IMMO AG's CIO (Chief Investment Officer) and will start his three-year-term in April. The contract of Friedrich Wachernig, MBA as COO (Chief Operating Officer) has been prolonged for further three years until 30 June 2024.


With this reconfiguration of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board has secured an excellent Management Team, fully prepared to successfully lead S IMMO AG into the future.