Publication of the resolution of the general meeting of S IMMO AG on the authorisation to repurchase shares pursuant to section 65 para 1 fig 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and to sell treasury shares
Publication of the resolution of the general meeting of S IMMO AG on the authorisation to repurchase shares pursuant to section 65 para 1 fig 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and to sell treasury shares
(Publication pursuant to section 65 para 1a AktG and section 119 para 9 BörseG 2018 in connection with section 2 Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018)
The 35th Annual General Meeting of S IMMO AG (FN 58358x) on 03 May 2024 passed the following resolution under agenda item 7:
“1. The authorization granted to the Management Board in the 33rd Annual General Meeting on 01 June 2022 to acquire treasury shares shall be cancelled to the extent not utilized and the Management Board shall be authorized at the same time pursuant to section 65 para 1 no 8 and para 1a and para 1b AktG for a period of 30 months from the date of the resolution, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to acquire treasury shares of the Company in the amount of up to 10% of the share capital of the Company, also by repeatedly utilizing the 10% limit, both on the stock exchange and over the counter, also excluding the shareholders' quota tender rights. The authorization may be exercised in whole or in part or in several instalments and in pursuit of one or more purposes by the Company, its affiliated companies or for their account by third parties. The equivalent value per no-par value share may not be less than the lower limit of EUR 1.00. The highest consideration per no-par value share to be paid upon repurchase may not be more than 15% above the average daily closing price of the Company's shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange over the previous 10 trading days, weighted according to the respective trading volumes.
2. The authorization granted to the Management Board at the 33rd Annual General Meeting on 01 June 2022 to sell treasury shares shall be revoked and the Management Board shall at the same time be authorized for a period of 5 years from the date of the resolution pursuant to section 65 para 1b AktG, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to sell or use treasury shares of the Company also in a way other than via the stock exchange or by means of a public offer and in this context also to exclude the shareholders' quota-based purchase right (exclusion of subscription rights). The authorization may be exercised in whole or in part or in several instalments and in pursuit of one or more purposes.
3. The authorization granted to the Management Board at the 33rd Annual General Meeting on 01 June 2022 to redeem treasury shares shall be revoked and the Management Board shall be authorized at the same time, without further referral to the Annual General Meeting, to redeem treasury shares with the consent of the Supervisory Board. Treasury shares redeemed pursuant to this authorization shall be deducted from the 10% limit pursuant to item 1. of the resolution. The Supervisory Board is authorized to resolve amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from the retirement of shares."