Publication of the resolution of the general meeting
Publication of the resolution of the general meeting of S IMMO AG on the authorisation to repurchase shares pursuant to section 65 para 1 fig 8 Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and to sell treasury shares
(Publication pursuant to section 65 para 1a AktG and section 119 para 9 BörseG 2018 in connection with section 2 Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018)
The 31st Annual General Meeting of S IMMO AG (FN 58358x) on October 12th, 2020 passed the following resolution under agenda item 10:
“1. The authority granted to the Management Board at the 29th Annual General Meeting on 03 May 2018 to acquire treasury shares is hereby rescinded in the scope not utilised thus far and the Management Board is simultaneously authorised pursuant to section 65 (1), no. 8, as well as (1a) and (1b) AktG for a period of 30 months from the date of the passing of the resolution, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to acquire treasury shares of the company up to the statutory maximum of 10% of the company’s share capital, if necessary utilising the 10% limit on one or more occasions, both through the stock market and over the counter while disapplying the shareholders’ pro-rata option to sell. This authority may be exercised in full or in part or in multiple tranches and in pursuit of one or more goals by the company, its affiliated companies or by third parties for their account. The countervalue of each no-par value share may not fall below a minimum of EUR 1.00. The maximum countervalue of each no-par value share to be paid upon buyback may not exceed the average daily closing price, weighted according to the respective trading volumes, for the shares over the previous 10 trading days on the Vienna Stock Exchange by more than 15%.
2. The authority granted to the Management Board at the 29th Annual General Meeting on 03 May 2018 to acquire treasury shares is hereby rescinded and the Management Board is simultaneously authorised pursuant to section 65 (1b) AktG, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, for a period of five years from the date the resolution was adopted, to sell or use treasury shares of the company by other means than through the stock exchange or a public offering while disapplying shareholders’ pro-rata purchase option (exclusion of subscription rights). This authority may be exercised in full or in part or in multiple tranches and in pursuit of one or more goals.
3. The authority granted to the Management Board at the 29th Annual General Meeting on 03 May 2018 to cancel treasury shares is hereby rescinded and the Management Board is simultaneously authorised to cancel treasury shares without further approval by the Annual General Meeting but with the approval of the Supervisory Board. Treasury shares cancelled in accordance with this authority are to be subtracted from the 10% limit referred to under paragraph 1 of the resolution. The Supervisory Board is authorised to adopt changes to the articles of incorporation that arise from the cancellation of shares from authorised capital.”