S IMMO resolves share repurchase programme

Ad hoc notification

The Management Board of S IMMO AG has resolved today to start a share repurchase programme under sec 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG). The volume totals up to 2,208,266 shares (that equals roughly 3% of the current share capital). At present, the company holds 715,424 own shares (roughly 0.97% of the current share capital). The repurchase programme will begin on 24 March 2020 and is expected to end on 30 September 2020.

The purchase price must not be more than 15% higher than the average volume-weighted daily closing price on the Vienna Stock Exchange over the ten trading days preceding the relevant repurchase and must not exceed EUR 17.00. The share repurchase will be carried out via the stock exchange for any purpose permitted under sec 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG).

In accordance with sec 5 para 1 and 2 of the Austrian Publication Order 2018 (Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018) the following information is made publicly available:

  1. Date of the authorising resolution of the Annual General Meeting: 03 May 2018
  2. The resolution was published on 07 May 2018 in accordance with sec 82 para 9 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG) then in force (today: sec 119 para 9 Austrian Stock Exchange).
  3. The share repurchase programme will begin on 24 March 2020 and will end on 30 September 2020 at the latest.
  4. The repurchase relates to the ordinary bearer shares of S IMMO AG (ISIN: AT0000652250).
  5. S IMMO AG plans to repurchase up to 2,208,266 shares. This equals roughly 3% of the share capital.
  6. Maximum price per share: cumulative

    (i) 15% higher than the average volume-weighted daily closing price on the Vienna Stock Exchange over the ten trading days preceding the relevant repurchase

    (ii) EUR 17.00

    Minimum price per share: EUR 1.00

  7. The share repurchase will be carried out via the stock exchange for any purpose permitted by law as specified in sec 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG).
  8. The share repurchase programme does not have any effect on the admission of S IMMO AG’s shares to the stock exchange.


Note pursuant to section 5 para 4 of the Austrian Publication Order 2018 (Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018): S IMMO AG will meet its disclosure obligations under sections 6 and 7 of the Austrian Publication Order 2018 (Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018) – concerning details on executed transactions as well as possible changes of the repurchase programme – by disclosure on its website at https://www.simmoag.at/en/investor-relations/s-immo-share/share-repurchase.


This announcement serves at the same time as announcement pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Austrian Publication Order 2018 (Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2018). It does not constitute a public offer to acquire S IMMO shares and does not obligate S IMMO AG to accept offers of S IMMO shares for repurchase.