S IMMO AG resolves call in of treasury shares and further share repurchase programme
Today the Management Board of S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI, ISIN: AT0000652250) has – authorised by the Supervisory Board – resolved to call in 1,201,539 shares hitherto acquired in its past share repurchase programmes with effect as of 19 December 2013.
The Management Board also has – authorised by the Supervisory Board – resolved to repurchase shares as authorised by resolution of the 23rd Annual General Meeting on 01 June 2012. Up to a further 3% of the share capital – i.e. a maximum of 2,043,661 shares – will be acquired as part of a share repurchase programme.
The mentioned resolution of the Annual General Meeting authorises the Management Board, subject to approval of the Supervisory Board, to repurchase up to 10% of S IMMO AG’s issued share capital within 30 months of the date of the resolution in accordance with section 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG). Pursuant to section 82 para 8 and 9 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG), the resolution was published on S IMMO AG’s website on 05 June 2012 and in the Official Gazette in the Wiener Zeitung of 08 June 2012.
The Company now plans to repurchase up to a further 3% of the share capital, i.e. a maximum of 2,043,661 shares. The repurchases may be for any purpose permissible under section 65 para 1 fig 8 AktG. Depending on market conditions, the repurchase programme will begin on 27 December 2013 and will end on 30 November 2014 at the latest.
The repurchase relates to the bearer shares of S IMMO AG (ISIN: AT0000652250) and may be effected on the Vienna Stock Exchange or over the counter, whereby the right of the shareholders to proportionately dispose of shares may also be excluded in the latter case. The price per share must not be below EUR 1.00 and must not exceed 15% of the average quoted price on the Vienna Stock Exchange over the three trading days preceding the relevant repurchase.
This publication also constitutes a publication pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Austrian Publication Regulation 2002 (BGBl II 2002/112 - VeröffentlichungsV). Publication of any changes to the repurchase programme in accordance with section 6 VeröffentlichungsV as well as publication of any transactions related to the repurchase programme under section 7 VeröffentlichungsV will be made available on S IMMO AG’s website, at Investor Relations.
This announcement does not constitute a public offer to acquire S IMMO Shares and does not oblige S IMMO AG to accept offers for the repurchase of S IMMO AG Shares.