Ronny Pecik and Norbert Ketterer notify the acquisition of 10.13% in S IMMO AG
Today, S IMMO was informed by Ronny Pecik, Norbert Ketterer, Erste Asset Management GmbH and Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein - Vermögensverwaltung - Vienna Insurance Group via notifications of major shareholdings pursuant to sections 130 to 134 Austrian Stock Exchange Act (BörseG) about the following:
HAMAMELIS GmbH & Co KG, an entity controlled by Ronny Pecik and Norbert Ketterer, has as buyer entered into an agreement on the purchase of 6,644,312 shares in S IMMO AG (around 9.93% of the share capital) on 25 October 2019. Closing is expected on 29 November 2019 at the latest. For ETAMIN GmbH & Co KG, also controlled by Ronny Pecik and Norbert Ketterer, a further, direct voting share of 0.20% in S IMMO AG was notified. ETAMIN GmbH & Co KG is the only limited partner of HAMAMELIS GmbH & Co KG. The limited partner has extensive co-determination rights. Norbert Ketterer has a stake of 50% in the limited partnership capital of ETAMIN GmbH & Co KG. The other 50% of the limited partnership capital of ETAMIN GmbH & Co KG are held by Ronny Pecik.
The 6,644,312 purchased shares in S IMMO AG are held in special funds which are managed by Erste Asset Management GmbH as the management company. The fund units of these special funds are held by affiliates of VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe, whereby only Erste Asset Management GmbH is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares mentioned above.