CPI Property Group S.A. requests an Extraordinary General Meeting of S IMMO AG to remodel the Supervisory Board
S IMMO AG has received a request from the shareholder CPI Property Group S.A. to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting pursuant to section 105 para 3 Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) for the purpose of passing a resolution on the revocation of the appointment and election of members of the Supervisory Board and to implement the provisions of the Virtual Shareholders' Meetings Act (Virtuelle Gesellschafterversammlungen-Gesetz).
The revocation of the appointment and replacement of Mr Ulrich Steffen Ritter, Mr John Verpeleti and Mr Martin Němeček as well as the replacement of Dr Karin Rest, EMBA, and the election of Mr Vladislav Jirka, Mr Matej Csenky, Mr Vít Urbanec and Mr Martin Matula to the Supervisory Board are proposed.
After consultation with the Supervisory Board, the Management Board will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of S IMMO AG in the near future.