Annual General Meeting 2021
Annual General Meeting 2021
The 32nd Annual General Meeting took place on 14 October 2021.
Meeting to be held as a virtual Annual General Meeting
In accordance with the COVID-19-GesG and the COVID-19-GesV, the Annual General Meeting of S IMMO AG on 14 October 2021 was held as a virtual Annual General Meeting in consideration of the interests of both the Company and the participants. According to the Management Board’s decision, this means that shareholders and their proxies (with the exception of special proxies), could not physically attend the Annual General Meeting of S IMMO AG on 14 October 2021.
Live broadcast
The 32nd Annual General Meeting was streamed on the internet on 14 October 2021 from 10:00 a.m. (CEST).
- Convocation (.pdf)
- Voting results of S IMMO's AGM 2021 (.pdf)
- Dividend announcement (.pdf)
- Annual report for the financial year 2020 (.pdf)
- Annual financial statements for the financial year 2020 including the management report - German only(.pdf)
- Consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2020 including the Group management report (.pdf)
- Corporate governance report for the financial year 2020 (.pdf)
- Separate non-financial report (.pdf)
- Report of the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 96 AktG (.pdf)
- Management Board's proposal for the distribution of profits (.pdf)
- Agenda (.pdf)
- Proposals of the Boards (.pdf)
- Remuneration report (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Prof. Dr. Ewald Aschauer nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Prof. Dr. Ewald Aschauer nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Mr. Florian Beckermann, LL.M. nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Mr. Florian Beckermann, LL.M. nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Mr. Christian Böhm nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Mr. Christian Böhm nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- New: CV of the candidate Mr. Christian Böhm nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Declaration of the candidate Mr. John Nacos nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- CV of the candidate Mr. John Nacos nominated by the Supervisory Board for election to the Supervisory Board in accordance with section 87 (2) AktG (.pdf)
- Form granting power of attorney for one of the special proxies in accordance with Section 3, para 4, COVID-19-GesV (.pdf)
- Form for revoking a power of attorney (.pdf)
- Question form (.pdf)